Weight-By-Date Pro 3.5
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Weight-By-Date Pro 3.5

With Weight-By-Date Pro you can track your nutritional intake
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Weight-By-Date Pro is a complete solution with over ten years of innovation, so there are a lot of features to read about.
With Weight-By-Date Pro you can track your nutritional intake for your choice of ten nutrients and select from over 40,000 foods and easily add your own.

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rating Patte
11/25/2022 I first used WBD years ago and when I downloaded the program from the website, I saved the download file (.exe) on my computer and on a flash drive so I'd be able to reinstall it anytime I needed to. I'm glad I did that because, as someone has already noted, the company is no longer in business. It is still possible to download the program, though. The download says it's for a trial version. I found out, though, that it is the full program and it does not expire. You can use it forever. And if you've saved the download file, as I did, you can reinstall it whenever you need to. There won't be any software upgrades, there's no technical support, any features of the program that involved going online have disappeared. But you can still use it. You can still add your own foods, etc., by taking the nutrition info right off the package of whatever you're adding. Basically, the program works fine. The things that are missing are, to me, things I didn't use much anyway. So...I said all that to say this: Yes, you can still get the program (Google search "Weight By Date"). Save the download file. (Be careful not to download the wrong thing...the page is FULL of trick ads that say DOWNLOAD in big letters so watch what you're doing). There is almost full functionality. The only other program I've used is one called "DietPower". It's much more detailed than WBD, a little harder to negotiate but has some features WBD doesn't have. I don't know which one I like best so I have both of them.

Nov 25, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(2) no(0) | Reply
Patte, thanks for your comments. I too, still have the original weight-by-date .exe file from when I purchased it. However when I install it, the entire food database consists of just numbers!!! When I restore my data, my recipes and foods exist, but the rest is only numbers!!! Can you help me? I have a new computer with Windows 11. Could that be the probem? Thanks in advance

Jan 15, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Yael, I uninstalled and reinstalled WBD just now and most of the food database is just the way it should be. There's nothing in My Foods because I never added any, and there's nothing under the Brands and Restaurants because I think WBD had to access the internet for that. But when I went into Generic Foods or the Advanced Food Search, everything was there. It's possible that Windows 11 is the issue. There are other programs that won't work anymore now too. I still have Windows 10 and I'm dreading the day when I need a new laptop because they're all sold with Windows 11 now. (I have the Windows 10 installation files, though, and will revert to 10 if I have to.)... You may want to try the other program I mentioned: DietPower. It's VERY detailed; the database is HUGE!!! You can still add your own foods and recipes but DP is fully loaded with just about everything you might need. The business is for sale but still in operation (I emailed the owner) and you can still download the full program. You have to enter an email address to start the download but it doesn't have to be a real address. You can put in xxxxxx@xyz.com and the download will work. I hope this helps.

Jan 16, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Patte, Thank you SO much for taking the time to reply. I think that part of the problem is not only am I now bound to Windows 11, but the version that I purchased was an older version, namely 2.95. When I download the test version (3.5) from the internet, all seems to be fine, but since it's officially a test version I cannot import my backup. And if I then try to install my software it runs the programs in different windows.... If you have any idea how I can "trick" the test version into letting me put all my data it, I would be very appreciative! Thanks again!

Jan 21, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Yael, let me try a few things and get back to you. If there's a trick to it, I'll find it. I used to do tech support for a living and I'm happy to help if I can.

Jan 21, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Yael, where is your old backup? Is it on the computer or is it on a flash drive, etc.? You can't use the Restore function but it might be possible to use copy/paste to put your old WBD backup information into the new version. No guarantees but try this: Both versions of WBD should be closed. If you can find your old Weight By Date backup data in File Explorer [mine is in C:/Program Files (x86) in the Weight By Date folder]. The file type should be .bak, I think. Use Control-C to copy that file, then go into your new Weight By Date (in File Explorer, not in the program itself) and see if Control-V will let you paste the .bak file into the new version. Then restart your computer. Next, open the new version of WBD and see if the old info has transferred into it. Note: You won't be able to do backups in the new version; I tried and got a message saying I had to buy the program first and there's no way to do that anymore. If the 3.5 Pro version you have is one you paid for, though, you might be able to do backups. If it's the trial version, it will never expire but you won't be able to back it up.

Jan 21, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Jorge
The company has gone out of business and there is no way to activate the program. The search for nutrients when planning meals or recording meals no longer functions. Too bad the developers did not sell their brainchild as it was the best program on the market.

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Jorge, if you already have it on your computer, you don't have to activate the program. Even though it says it's a trial version, it isn't...it doesn't expire. Since the company no longer exists, the program isn't tied to any of their computers anymore so there's no way for them to shut you down after the so-called trial period. Any features that involved going online will be inoperable but the food database is part of the program; it's not online, so you should have no problem there. I just went into WBD to see if I could enter something into the Food Diary and had no problem. I clicked on the + to add a food and selected the food list I wanted (I tried the Brands and Restaurants tab, Generic tab and the Advanced Search, and they all worked) then found the particular food and added it to the Food Diary. All the nutrient information automatically filled in.

Jan 17, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating gloria
I have had weight by date for years and can't seem to get answers. Can I save the program to disk should something happen to my computer??? I don't want to lose this program.

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gloria, when you got the program, you had to download it from online, right? And after downloading it, you had to double-click on the file to install the program. Great. Look in File Explorer on your computer. In the Downloads folder, the original WBD file should still be there unless you deleted it after installing the program. Whenever you need to reinstall the program, just double-click on that download file like you did the first time. Hint: Copy that download file onto a flash drive or SD card so you'll have a way to installed WBD on a different computer in case your current computer decides to die.

Nov 25, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply

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